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Produkt zum Begriff Strategy:

  • Content Strategy for the Web
    Content Strategy for the Web

    FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning
    Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning

    For undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing Management. Understand and formulate rigorous marketing strategies and differential advantage in today’s marketplace Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 7th Edition, by Hooley, Nicoulaud, Rudd and Lee provides a deep understanding of the process of developing and implementing a rigorous marketing strategy. This book focuses on competitive positioning and includes in-depth discussions of the processes used within marketing to achieve competitive advantage in a business environment - by creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. The key approach used in this book is to focus on two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets, and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing so, it recognises the emergence of potential new target markets born of the recession, increased concern for climate change and disruption from ongoing technological advances. It helps you examine ways in which firms can differentiate offerings through recognition of environmental and social concerns and innovation. Pearson, the world’s learning company.

    Preis: 75.96 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right
    The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right

    In this essential guide, Meghan Casey outlines a step-by-step approach for successful content strategy, from planning and creating your content to delivering and managing it. Armed with this book, you can confidently tackle difficult activities like explaining clearly to your boss or client what's wrong with their content, getting the budget to do content work, and aligning stakeholders on a common vision. Having The Content Strategy Toolkit at your side is like hiring your own personal consulting firm. You get a complete array of instructions, tools, and templates for most challenges you'll face.In this practical and relevant guide, you'll learn how to: Identify problems with your content and persuade your bosses it's worth the time and resources to do it rightAssemble a stellar team for your content projectPrepare your organization for content transformationMake sense of your business environment and understand your audienceAlign stakeholders on business goals and user needsSet a compass for your content and decide how to measure successCreate, maintain, and govern on-strategy content You'll learn how to treat content like the strategic asset that it is."Quality content increases value. Poor-quality content destroys value. It's as simple as that. Meghan's book has specific, practical, and immediately actionable ideas that will help you increase the quality of your content."—Gerry McGovern, CEO, Customer Carewords"This second edition goes deep into three integral topics for content leaders—assembling cross-disciplinary teams, evaluating processes, and building a content playbook. If you're looking to build a new practice or retool an existing one, this book will help you succeed.—Natalie Marie Dunbar, Author, From Solo to Scaled: Building a Sustainable Content Strategy Practice

    Preis: 31.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Strategy Safari
    Strategy Safari

    “Henry Mintzberg’s views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys.” The Observer “My favourite management book of the last 25 years? No contest. The Rise & Fall of Strategic Planning.” Tom Peters, managment guruStrategy is the most prestigious but also the most confusing part of business. Managers are constantly bombarded with new jargon and the latest fads promising the magic bullet for every strategic problem. The world of strategy can seem to be an impenetrable jungle. Strategy Safari presents a powerful antidote to the dilemma of needing to know about strategy and yet not being able to find any comprehensible guidelines. This revised edition is a comprehensive, colourful and illuminating tour through the wilds of strategic management.In this provocative, jargon-free and extremely readable guide, top strategy authors Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & Lampel clearly set out and critique each of the ten major schools of strategic management thinking to help you grasp what you really need to know.Take the strategy safari – your business will thank you for it.

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man eine SEO-Analyse durchführen, um die Website-Performance zu verbessern?

    1. Verwenden Sie Tools wie Google Analytics und Google Search Console, um Daten über die Leistung Ihrer Website zu sammeln. 2. Analysieren Sie Keywords, Backlinks und die Struktur Ihrer Website, um Schwachstellen zu identifizieren. 3. Optimieren Sie Meta-Tags, Inhalte und Bilder, um die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Website in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen zu verbessern.

  • "Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Durchführung einer SEO-Analyse für eine Website?"

    1. Keyword-Recherche durchführen, um relevante Suchbegriffe zu identifizieren. 2. On-Page-Analyse durchführen, um die technische und inhaltliche Optimierung der Website zu überprüfen. 3. Off-Page-Analyse durchführen, um Backlinks und die Online-Reputation der Website zu bewerten.

  • "Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Durchführung einer SEO-Analyse für eine Website?"

    Die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Durchführung einer SEO-Analyse für eine Website sind die Überprüfung der Keywords, die Optimierung von Meta-Tags und die Analyse des Backlink-Profils. Zudem sollte die technische SEO, wie die Ladezeit und die mobile Optimierung, überprüft werden. Abschließend ist es wichtig, regelmäßig die Ergebnisse zu überwachen und Anpassungen vorzunehmen.

  • Was ist kostenloses Website-Hosting?

    Kostenloses Website-Hosting bezieht sich auf die Bereitstellung von Speicherplatz und Ressourcen für eine Website ohne Kosten. Es gibt verschiedene Anbieter, die kostenlose Hosting-Dienste anbieten, jedoch sind diese oft mit Einschränkungen verbunden, wie begrenztem Speicherplatz, Bandbreite oder Funktionen. Es kann eine gute Option für kleine Websites oder persönliche Blogs sein, aber für Unternehmen oder Websites mit hohem Traffic ist es möglicherweise nicht ausreichend.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Strategy:

  • Agile Strategy
    Agile Strategy

    Agile Strategy is a practical guide for managers responsible for setting the strategic direction of their organisations in increasingly dynamic markets. Through its frameworks, tools and real-world examples, it explains how to transform business performance through greater organisational agility.   LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Why do we need a new book on strategy?The pace of change is increasing, and strategic management is not keeping up. More than one in four (28%) strategic initiatives fail to meet their original goals and business intent[1], with insufficient agility identified as one of the top three barriers to successful strategy implementation[2].The square peg of traditional strategy — vision, mission and blue-sky exercises; the separation of strategy from “implementation” — no longer fits the round hole of increasingly dynamic markets. It is time for a new approach.How is Agile Strategy different?Agile Strategy distinguishes itself from other strategy and agile books currently available in that it is: Designed for large organisations: Much of the writing on agile techniques addresses start-ups or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which operate under very different constraints and freedoms. Agile Strategy is written for large organisations who want to be more agile. Commercially-led: The approach is not a lightly airbrushed business rewrite of agile software development practices, but rather a fundamental rethinking of commercial and operational business practices. Practical: It is anchored in innovative and robust concepts but designed as a practical “how-to” guide: a book for practitioners, written by a practitioner. Results-focused: Whilst addressing a broad range of organisational topics, the book is grounded in the definition and delivery of measurable business benefits.Why should I read it?Agile Strategy offers four key benefits to its readers:  A clear framework ("RADAR") A single, easy-to-grasp guiding principle: The Horizon Measurable benefits A practical approachI hope you not only enjoy reading about this innovative new approach, but also go on to realise the full potential of your organisation by implementing it. Good luck!Ralph Fernando[1] Project Management Institute (2017) Pulse of the Profession[2] The Economist Intelligence Unit (2017) Closing the Gap: Designing and Delivering a Strategy that Works"

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Triangle Strategy
    Triangle Strategy

    Triangle Strategy

    Preis: 26.43 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Content Strategy for the Web
    Content Strategy for the Web

    FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning
    Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning

    For undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing Management. Understand and formulate rigorous marketing strategies and differential advantage in today’s marketplace Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 7th Edition, by Hooley, Nicoulaud, Rudd and Lee provides a deep understanding of the process of developing and implementing a rigorous marketing strategy. This book focuses on competitive positioning and includes in-depth discussions of the processes used within marketing to achieve competitive advantage in a business environment - by creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. The key approach used in this book is to focus on two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets, and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing so, it recognises the emergence of potential new target markets born of the recession, increased concern for climate change and disruption from ongoing technological advances. It helps you examine ways in which firms can differentiate offerings through recognition of environmental and social concerns and innovation. Pearson, the world’s learning company.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man eine SEO-Analyse durchführen, um die Sichtbarkeit einer Website in Suchmaschinen zu verbessern?

    Um eine SEO-Analyse durchzuführen, sollte man zunächst relevante Keywords identifizieren, die das Ranking der Website beeinflussen. Anschließend sollte man die On-Page-Optimierung überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website technisch und inhaltlich suchmaschinenfreundlich ist. Zuletzt sollte man auch die Off-Page-Optimierung wie Backlinks und Social Signals analysieren, um die Sichtbarkeit der Website weiter zu verbessern.

  • Was sind die effektivsten Strategien zur Steigerung der Online-Sichtbarkeit einer Webseite? Stichwörter: Online-Marketing, SEO, Content-Strategie.

    Die effektivsten Strategien zur Steigerung der Online-Sichtbarkeit einer Webseite sind eine gezielte Online-Marketing-Kampagne, die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) und eine starke Content-Strategie. Durch gezielte Werbung und Social-Media-Marketing kann die Reichweite erhöht werden, während SEO dafür sorgt, dass die Webseite in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen besser platziert wird. Eine hochwertige und relevante Content-Strategie hilft dabei, Nutzer anzuziehen und zu binden, was wiederum die Sichtbarkeit der Webseite steigert.

  • Welche SEO-Tools eignen sich am besten für die Keyword-Recherche und die Analyse der Website-Leistung?

    Die besten SEO-Tools für die Keyword-Recherche sind Ahrefs, SEMrush und Google Keyword Planner. Für die Analyse der Website-Leistung eignen sich Tools wie Google Analytics, Search Console und Screaming Frog. Diese Tools bieten umfassende Daten und Einblicke, um die SEO-Strategie zu optimieren.

  • Wie können Unternehmen ihre SEO-Analyse verbessern, um ihre Website-Traffic und Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen zu steigern?

    Unternehmen können ihre SEO-Analyse verbessern, indem sie relevante Keywords identifizieren, hochwertige Inhalte erstellen und regelmäßig ihre Website optimieren. Zudem sollten sie Backlinks von vertrauenswürdigen Websites aufbauen, um ihre Autorität zu steigern und ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen zu erhöhen. Es ist wichtig, die Leistung der Website kontinuierlich zu überwachen und Anpassungen vorzunehmen, um die SEO-Strategie zu optimieren.

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